Sunday, February 13, 2011

Welcome, Farewell and Photog FAIL

Though I have no formal photography training, not even a photography course back in school, once in a while I manage to stumble upon and capture a decent shot. Such is the beauty of the modern digital camera (and basic photo editing software). Sadly, the following photos do NOT fall into that category...

At the tail end of January, my flatmate Kevin/Filo as you know by now, was thoughtful enough to put together a Sunday bar-b-q in honor of my arrival and the departure of our friend, Steve, who was headed to Thailand for a month. I appointed myself photographer, which was a mistake, as I ended up with a miserable assortment of photos, none of which even captured Steve or myself! Mostly got people's backs as they sat and ate. What a terrible representation of the day and the fun that we all had! But I'll still include them here so we can all have a giggle at my expense.

Evidence that people were there at least?

Our friends have lovely backs...

A shot of smiling faces, gasp!

Just to make myself feel better, I'll also include a couple of nice shots I got a few days later as I was walking from Surfer's Paradise back to Main Beach. Maybe I should focus on scenery and leave candids to someone else!

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